Don Weberg

Don Weberg is the Editor, Publisher, and Founder of Garage Style Magazine, a quarterly published magazine and monthly digital newsletter devoted entirely to the lifestyles of automotive collectors and automotive enthusiasts.

Featuring a number of decked-out garages every issue, Garage Style also highlights automotive collectibles, automobilia, petroliana, neon, porcelain and various items that enhance garages such as workbenches, tool chests, flooring, doors, and much more. Garage Style Magazine aims to bring the community together and inspire homeowners, car guys or not, to embrace, amplify, and enjoy what is normally the largest room in the house – the garage. An enthusiast his entire life, Don’s enthusiasm for all things automotive shines through in each issue.

Garage Style Magazine (GSM) is what’s been missing. A publication devoted entirely to garages and collections – we cover collectibles such as automobilia, petroliana, neon, porcelain, and more; we also bring to you the ideas that make a garage work, such as tools, cabinets and storage solutions, car covers, lifts, and doors to name a few; and, of course, we work in a few lifestyle bits – electronics such as stereos, televisions, and other entertainment must haves, and some luxury products such as watches, briefcases, handbags, travel ideas and personal items.

Learn more about Garage Style Magazine in Don’s own words, as he describes its origin, evolution and the future of #thegaragelifestyle on Gran Touring Motorsports podcast Break/Fix.