The History of Motorsports series is brought to you in part by the International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC), as well as the Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), the Watkins Glen Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Argetsinger family.
Copyright International Motor Racing Research Center & The Society of Automotive Historians. This podcast is now part of Gran Touring Motorsports‘ Motoring Podcast Network and can be found everywhere you stream, download or listen! **To get in contact with the creators of these presentations, please reach out to
The International Motor Racing Research Center (IMRRC), partnering with the Society of Automotive Historians (SAH), presents the annual Michael R. Argetsinger Symposium on International Motor Racing History. The Symposium established itself as a unique and respected scholarly forum and has gained a growing audience of students and enthusiasts. It provides an opportunity for scholars, researchers and writers to present their work related to the history of automotive competition and the cultural impact of motor racing. Papers are presented by faculty members, graduate students and independent researchers.
The history of international automotive competition falls within several realms, all of which are welcomed as topics for presentations, including, but not limited to: sports history, cultural studies, public history, political history, the history of technology, sports geography and gender studies, as well as archival studies.
All of the production, recording, live-stream, post-production, technology support, editing and podcasting work for the IMRRC Symposium starting in 2022 has been provided by the team at Gran Touring Motorsports. We’re proud members of the IMRRC & the SAH and contribute our volunteer time and resources to help grow the success of this conference. Please consider supporting our work via Patreon.